6.819/6.869: Advances in Computer Vision

Fall 2017

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Course Overview

This course covers fundamental and advanced domains in computer vision, covering topics from early vision to mid- and high-level vision, including basics of machine learning and convolutional neural networks for vision.


Sept 1, 2017: Welcome to 6.819/6.869!

Make sure to check out the course info below, as well as the schedule for updates. The course unit is 3-0-9 (Graduate H-level, Area II AI TQE). The prerequisites of this course is 6.041 or 6.042; 18.06. Good luck with your semester!

Course Information

Course Instructors

Teaching Assistants

Please use the course Piazza page for all communication with the teaching staff

Shaiyan Keshvari
Hunter Lang
Daniel Moon
Jimmy Wu

Xiuming Zhang
Zhoutong Zhang
Jiajun Wu

Time and Classroom

9:30-11:00 every Tuesday and Thursday in 34-101

Office Hours

Antonio: Monday 11 am - noon, 32-D462
Bill: Monday 1-2 pm, 32-D476
Jiajun: Monday 12-1 pm, 32-D407
Shaiyan: Tuesday 4-5 pm, 36-112
Shaiyan, Xiuming: Wednesday 2-3 pm, 34-304
Zhoutong: Wednesday 3-4 pm, 34-304
Hunter: Wednesday 4-5 pm, 26-328
Jimmy: Wednesday 5-6 pm, 26-328
Daniel: Wednesday 6-7 pm, 26-328

Grading Policy

Psets: 60%
Final project: 40%